Going to university for study is a big deal. Besides managing times, the cost is not priceless. Therefore, many students compete to get financial aid. In ULL financial aid, financial aid is defined as support or help to give or loan money in order to back up your study cost. Actually financial aid can come from other resources, yet this post will only focus on ULL as the university who offer financial aid for its students. Generally, financial aid is divided into two big types. The first is scholarship and grants, Second is loan. Both of them have their own rules and conditions.
In what we discuss today,
ULL financial aid gives you four kind options of aid. The first, the most common aid in the world is scholarship and grants. Scholarship is included in gift aid. It means that the university or government really gives you financial aid for free. Yet, as the circumstances, you have to be awarded in your academic ability or athletic subject. It is also possible for you who have good result in certain interest like art or music. You can also apply for this gift if you are registered as a volunteer in social work or a member of religious and ethnic community. In case, as the demanded condition, you have to maintain your grade and achievement in your academic point so you can keep receiving the scholarship. Grant is almost the same with scholarship. The things that make it different is family’s financial. The university or government needs to check your family circumstances related to money and financial to make sure that you are prospered and suitable to receive the grants.
Having discussed the free gift
financial aid, now we move to the non-free financial aid. Work study is the semi non-free aid. It means that you don’t need to pay back the money, yet you have to do a kind of job or work in your university to pay. It needs good managing time of the students. You don’t need to worry because this kind of work you do is part-time. You still join the class at the college but you have to work after it. It is only a matter of time. Then, ULL financial aid also offers loans. Loans here are divided into two. They are private loans and federal student loans. Both of them ask you to pay back the money with interest.
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