We believe that everyone has the same right to have a proper education in their lives. While there are numbers of obstacles to face, there are also many breakthroughs for us to attend school. Lack of fund cannot be a barrier, and that’s why we proudly introduce
UCI Financial Aid. More than 50% of the students are fully supported with some forms of UCI Financial Aid. If there’s any thought about financial basis, mostly those about educational fees, applicant may want to try presenting their current financial assistance, just like the other lucky students who’ve enrolled earlier, to earn for scholarships, loans, and/or work-study awards.
If UCI Financial Aid is captivating enough, here are the details about the application process: the deadlines, the programs for undergraduate and graduate students to medical students, and where it all may begin.
UCI Financial Aid Office
The application forms and other important documents can be submitted to the
UCI Financial Aid Office in 102 Aldrich Hall, Irvine, CA. If the applicant needs certain considerations consulted with the related staffs, reach the office on Monday to Friday at 10 am to 5 pm,
contact the office at (949) 824-8262. The application may send necessary messages through
fax to (949) 824-4876 for the staffs to concern.
UCI Financial Aid Login
Before going too far in the whole application things, the applicant must first make an account in the UCI Financial Aid website to be able to login and access endless news to access the
financial aid itself, the scholarships and many others. The applicant shall visit
https://ucinetid2.nacs.uci.edu/cgi/applicant as their first time to enter
the financial aid program. There, the applicant can see the personal information form and the policies, and after finishing all fulfillments, the applicant will get their ID Number. Later on, when there is any issue appearing regarded to any login activity, OIT Help Desk is available at
(949) 824-2222. UC Application Status at
http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/afterapply may also be visited, while the UC Application Center is available at
P.O. Box 1422 Bakersfield, CA 93302.
UCI Financial Aid Contact Number
To arrange meeting and any other discussions with the staffs, the applicant may contact UCI Financial Aid at its
office in 102 Aldrich Hall, Irvine, CA 92692-2825, or through its phone line at
(949) 824-8262. Any curiosity, question and comment will be received and answered by sending an
e-mail to finaid@uci.edu. If the applicant also finds particular difficulties during the online procedures, call the UC Application center at
(800) 207-1710 (toll-free for California-based areas) and
(310) 513-2715 (outside California).
UCI Financial Aid Calculator
UCI Financial Aid has been prepared to act as a true solution for the applicant and family when it comes to examining the costs for college, starting from the planning section to some more advanced responsibilities. To deal with this kind of situation, a feature is provided for the applicant, called UCI Net Price Calculator.
By using the calculator, the estimation of overall college cost and possible
financial aid will be presented. As a reminder, the calculator can only be utilized for undergraduate students and applicants who are already applied the financial aid.
The items are not more than the applicant’s last year income tax (filled by the parents and the student themselves), and this year’s bank and brokerage/investment record. The calculator is shown in two models: Dependent, for those who are less than 24 years old; Independent, for those who are at least 24 years old.
UCI Financial Calendar
Just like other applications or submission schedule, UCI Financial Aid requires the applicant to pay close attention to the dates on calendar. Each business has been set to exactly clear dates that also can be checked on the official website. As an overview, the overall application periods are held during August, 2015 to May, 2016.
It all starts with the instructional announcement for the Summer Season II applications on August 3, 2015, along with the payment deadline, financial aid remainder, and payment check. The summer financial aid will finally be closed on August 19, 2015. The Fall Season of financial aid will be started on September 15, 2015, along with the payment deadline. The first day of fall term will be on September 21, 2015, and will end on December 11, 2015. The Winter Season of financial aid will be started on December 15, 2015 The first day of winter term, along with the instructional announcement, payment deadline, financial aid remainder, and payment check, will be on January 4, 2016, and will end on March 18, 2015.
More about the Spring Term and newest Summer Term of 2016 will be posted on the official website, and will also be provided at the office.
UCI Extension Financial Aid
Fortunately, UCI Financial Aid is also offering students with extension program in order to help them getting closer to their dream. Realizing how essential it is to continue on pursuing appropriate education, UCI is proudly
serving students through loan advising, and many other points to be talked about. The extension will occur in these topics:
Discount, Student Loan Programs, AmeriCorps Service Voucher, Tax Information, Trade Adjustment Assistance, Veterans Benefits, and Workforce Investment Act.
On its official website, the applicant may look for some events they’ve probably missed, such as the Corporate Training, International Programs, Drops and Refunds, and late enrollment to Summer Session. The UCI Extension is at
P.O. Box 6050 Irvine, CA 92616 to note. Or, call them at
(949) 824-5414 and e-mail them to
unex-services@uci.edu to freely ask about what exactly this is about and how it all is going to be preceded and end up.
UCI Financial Aid Disbursement
The final awareness will be how the financial aid can be disbursed to the students. To figure out how the financial aid will be paid, there are three main things to take: aid acceptance, to-do list completion, and unit accomplishment. In short, the financial aid will be able to be paid or disbursed if the students have also paid the listed charges on their
Zot Account and succeeded in, at least, 6.0 units.
Details are done, now it’s time to wish for the best luck to all participants of UCI Financial Aid.
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